~ A Universal Truth ~
God is Divine Love and we are all the children of God.
By consequence, each one of us on earth is a child of Divine Love.
~ The Birth of a New Age ~
We are presently witnessing the birth of a new age on earth. Mankind is beginning to discover and experience its third stage of evolution as human beings, having evolved from Homo Erectus as its first stage of physical development, to Homo Sapiens as its second stage of mental development, to this new age of Homo Deus as its third stage of spiritual development, individually and globally. This is the birth of our HD mode, our Human Divine mode, which was initiated by the life of Jesus as He lived it during His bestowal on earth and as it is revealed to us in detail in Part IV of The Urantia Book, entitled The Life and Teachings of Jesus.
~ The United Urantia Family Mission ~
As Humanity, we are all part of one global family on earth, called Urantia as revealed to us in The Urantia Book. As we recognize God as our Universal Father of Love and all human beings as our spiritual brothers and sisters, we will gradually become one global United Urantia Family. The United Urantia Family mission is to live and spread the religion OF Jesus, which is the religion of Love as He so eloquently taught it and majestically lived it during His life on earth.
The triannual Family Festivals, balanced with
Easter Spirit Renewal Retreats during the years in between.
Envision a pyramid. At the tip of the pyramid we have TUUFF (The United Urantia Family Festival), which is a triannual event gathering all the Urantia family brothers and sisters from around the world to share together, to help each other, to support one another. At the bottom of the pyramid we have the Easter Spirit Renewal Retreats ~ held during each of the years in between ~ which will serve to empower us, to make us grow stronger and stronger as a family. These Easter Spirit Renewal Retreats in Christ will therefore serve as the catalyst to renew us spiritually and to empower the Spirit of Truth within us for the good of all and for the Glory of God here on earth, wherever we may be guided to serve.
The History of TUUFF
A fervent devotee of Jesus, in 1992 Diane Labrecque was guided to help give birth to the Urantia Family with the readers of the Urantia Book of all organizations on our blue planet. Throughout the years, Diane met many readers of the Blue Book from various countries who helped create a web of interconnectedness, which gradually contributed to laying a solid foundation of unity amongst readers of the Fifth Epochal Urantia Revelation. In 2009, this all came to fruition and gave birth to the triennial gathering of The United Urantia Family Festival (TUUFF), which was inaugurated in Montreal, Canada from July 1-5, 2010.